Friday, September 3, 2010

Pork Floss Loaf


400g high protein flour, sifted
100g low protein flour, sifted
10g milk powder
1tsp salt
1tbsp instant yeast
80g castor sugar
1 egg
220ml water
75g butter

  1. Put all ingredients except butter into bowl and mix into a smooth dough
  2. Add butter and continue to knead till gluten has development and it can be stretched into a very thin layer
  3. Cover with a piece of damp cloth / cling wrap and leave to rise till it doubles in volumn
  4. Divide into desired portions and shape into balls
  5. Cover with damp cloth / cling wrap and rest for 10-15min before foaming into shape.
  6. Flatten the dough into rectangular shape and sprinkle pork floss onto dough. Roll dough and place inside greased tins.
  7. Bake in pre0heated oven at 170C for 25-30min till golden brown.

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